Dad's photo from India

Created by bayari 9 years ago
Hi Dad & everyone, I love this photo of dad (here on this website) where he is in India looking through his camera. I know it was a posed photo, that I believe dad set up & asked his colleague to take as they were playing around with their photo skills. Dad had rung me in Australia once to tell me he had found some of his old photos & he'd left them in the attic for me to look. After his death we found them, and this one is my favourite. I printed a copy & had it in my home in Australia. Now I' back in the UK I plan to take one of Dad's original prints (that he had printed at the time in India) to my new home in Dawlish & put it on the wall. I like the fact that Dad actually had this original print made & kept it all those years. with love, Lindsay.